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                       6.1.4 Answer control

         Manual answer   Defines that the Mailer should wait for the
                         RING message from the modem and then send the
                         force answer string (below) to force the
                         modem to answer.

                         This is the safest way to control modem
                         answering and should be used unless your
                         modem does not support it. For Hayes
                         compatible modems, you should add S0=0 to one
                         of your init strings to prevent the modem
                         from answering automatically.

         Force answer    The string forcing the modem to answer an
                         incoming call. This should be "ATA|" in most

         Answer delay    When the Mailer receives the RING message
                         from the modem, it will pause for nn 1/10
                         seconds before sending the force answer
                         string. This should be set between four and
                         eight for most modems.

         Limited hours
         Starting time
         Ending time     Allows you to force the Mailer to ignore the
                         RING message outside the specified hours.
                         This is useful if the telephone line is
                         shared by other people during daytime but
                         available during the night for example.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson